Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

How to Improve English Communication Skill

1. Find native English speakers. In certain areas it's the hardest thing to do, but it's the best use of your time. Talking to actual native speakers is the most effective way to improve your English skills, speaking or otherwise. So whether you have to Skype them, call them, or beg them to speak to you, do so. Your progress will be faster this way than any other. 
2. Listen to the music of English. No, not English music, the music of English -- its lilt, its prosody, the sing-songy-ness of it. The intonation. Even if you speak perfect English technically, if you speak it like a robot you're not speaking it the way it's meant to be spoken.

3. Slow down. Above all, if you want to be understood, slow down. The more clearly you speak, the better chance your listener has of understanding you. It's tempting to get nervous and want to speed up to get it all over with, but you can't do that! Clarity is key -- for some native English speakers, too! 
4. Record yourself. Though we hear ourselves all the time, we really don't know quite what we sound like. So record yourself! What are the weak and strong points you hear in your speech? And then you can concentrate on what you need to work on. 
5. Take different style classes. Yes, one class is good. In fact, one class is even great. But if you can take more than one class -- of differing styles -- that's even better. A group class can be cheap, fun, and work on all your skills, but adding a one-on-one class, too? You'll get that individualized attention to your speech you've been craving. That's a double dose of improvement

Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014


The Importance of English
In today’s global world, the importance of English can not be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education, which, in my opinion, is the most important arena where English is needed. Particularly, as a developing country, Turkey needs to make use of this world-wide spoken language in order to prove its international power. This can merely be based on the efficiency of tertiary education. Consequently, English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Turkey for the following three reasons: finding a high-quality job, communicating with the international world, and accessing scientific sources in the student’s major field.
The first reason for why English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Turkey is that it helps students find a high quality jobs for students to find. In business life, the most important common language is obviously English. In addition to this, especially, high-quality jobs need good understanding ability and speaking in English. Therefore, companies can easily open out to other countries, and these companies generally employ graduates whose English is fluent and orderly. For example, the student who is graduated from a university which takes English as a major language will find a better or high-quality job than other students who don’t know English adequately. In other words, the student who knows English is able to be more efficient in his job because he can use the information from foreign sources and web sites. He can prepare his assigments and tasks with the help of these information. Therefore, undoubtedly, his managers would like his effort or prepared projects. In addition, many high-quality jobs are related with international communication and world-wide data sharing. University graduates who are in a international company and business are needed to communicate with foreign workers. For instance, if their managers want them to share the company’s data, they are expected to know English. Moreover, they will even have to go business trip for their company. Absolutely, all of these depend on speaking English;as a result, new graduates have to know English in order to get a high-quality job, and the others, who don’t know English, may have lack of communication and be paid less money.

Abra Vocabra by Amy Rider

This book is helping students improve their vocabularies is a project with enormous benefits

Read in this site https://app.box.com/files/0/f/0/1/f_19821862163

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

Teaching English Grammar by Jim Scrivener

This book gathers together practical teaching ideas and key information about
language in order to help you prepare and teach grammar lessons.https://app.box.com/files/0/f/0/1/f_19694960177

Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

Metode dalam bahasa Inggris


Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu bahasa internasional. Beberapa negara di Asia, misalnya Malaysia, Singapura, dan Filipina telah menggunakan bahasa ini sebagai Second Language (bahasa nasional). Sebaliknya, Indonesia menerapkan bahasa Inggris sebagai Foreign Language (bahasa asing) di Indonesia sehingga bahasa Inggris kurang dikuasai oleh siswa lokal yang terpengaruh penggunaan bahasa ibunya.
Penguasaan bahasa Inggris sebagai Foreign Language (bahasa asing) diperlukan saat ini untuk membiasakan siswa berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Pembiasaan bahasa Inggris ini digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris siswa lokal dan mendukung siswa menguasai pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah. Terkait dengan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional, penguasaan berbahasa Inggris juga dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan kesempatan melanjutkan sekolah ke luar negeri baik melalui beasiswa, program pertukaran pelajar maupun biaya sendiri, dan mayoritas lowongan pekerjaan memerlukan penguasaan bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi. Tuntutan penguasaan bahasa Inggris oleh masyarakat Indonesia menjadikan bahasa Inggris dipelajari di sekolah sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran yang utama, khususnya bagi siswa SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) dan SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas). 
Siswa selama ini mengalami kesulitan untuk mempelajari dan menerapkan bahasa Inggris, khususnya dalam aspek kemampuan berbicara siswa karena siswa tidak terbiasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi setiap hari. Faktor lain yang menjadi kesulitan siswa dalam pembiasaan berbahasa Inggris adalah lingkungan sekitar yang tidak mendukung karena itu diperlukan the acquisition system (sistem pembelajaran pembiasaan) untuk membiasakan siswa berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris.
Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, siswa memerlukan pembelajaran khusus untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Pembelajaran bahasa yang paling efektif adalah pembelajaran bermakna atau lebih dikenal sebagai acquisition. Menurut Gass dan Selinker (1994), sistem pembelajaran pembiasaan ini (the acquisition system) membantu dalam memproduksi apa yang ingin diucapkan oleh siswa karena dalam dalam pengolahan bahasa, para siswa lebih fokus pada pembelajaran makna bahasa daripada bentuk dari bahasa itu sendiri (Gass dan Selinker, 1994:145). Mukminatien (2011) juga berpendapat bahwa bahasa yang didengar maupun dilihat oleh siswa disekitar mereka merupakan hal penting di dalam sistem pembiasaan berbahasa ini (the acquisition system). Teori tersebut mengemukakan bahwa metode yang efektif untuk belajar bahasa adalah melalui pembiasaan.
Diterbitkan di: 03 Maret, 2012   

My Poem

Maya Nur Aviva

Mom... like a hero you protect me

Like a candle you light me

Like a wonder woman, you look extra ordinary

Mom… You look like an angel for me

You never leave me when I need you

You always be the first person for me

You never leave me when I miss you

Mom… you look like an angel for me

I love u Mom

Jumat, 18 Juli 2014


Young learners are children from the first year formal schooling (5 or 6 years old) to eleven or twelve years old. Young learners have own special characteristic that different with adult learners. The differences should be known and understood by the teacher to improve their quality of teaching and learning process. The teacher needs to know how to give explanation to them because they don’t like long explanation. Young learners have their own world, so the parents and the teacher should be understood what they wants. Basically young learners and adult learners have different characteristics from physical, social and psychological side.
Based on the physical side, young learners more active than adult. They do physical activity in many ways like writing, drawing, coloring, dancing and many more. Because they are very active, the teacher should be try to ask them to play games or role play dialogues with others. Young learners understanding the teacher’s explanation from hands, eyes, and ears. They will understand if the teacher using gesture to explain. Young learners at the developing stage, so they should be get knowledge about everything as much as possible. Not only the teacher that have to teach them, but also their parents. Beside that they are capable of attaining native of foreign language.
Young learners are happy playing and working with their friends. They are aware of themselve in relation to others. It means that they like playing in the company. The parents and the teachers should be using activities that require group play, such as games and dramatizations, but respect the child’s desire to work alone occasionally. Praise him or her for positive behavior such as taking turns and sharing. The teacher will be better to give the children responsibilities and tasks that they can carry out, and then praise efforts and accomplishments.

There are many characteristics of young learners based on the psychological side. The first is young learners have short concentration span, so teachers should be give varied activities as handwriting , songs , games etc. They also get bored easily. To make them enjoy the lesson of course is not easy, teachers can use interesting ways. By using interesting technique children are expected not under pressure. Besides that, they are imaginative. It’s important to Use video or pictures to teach new vocabulary related to concrete meanings. They are less shy than older learners. And then they enjoy imitating and skilfull in listening accurately and mimicking what they have heard. They respond well to rewards from the teacher.  Children get bored easily. Children have no choice to attend school. The lack of the choice means that class activities need to be fun interesting and exciting as possible by setting up the interesting activities.

In conclussion, young learners are children who still in the first schooling, so teaching English to young learners at elementary school is different from that to adults. The English teachers to young learners in elementary school should be know the characteristics of young learners. The characteristics consist of physical side, social side and psychological side. The English teachers at elementary schools should have other skill. The teachers of English to young learners should be able to sing songs, tell stories, and organize worksheet so that the classroom atmosphere seems interesting. According to John and Morrow (1983: 60-64) to make situation of the teaching of English to young learners communicative, the English teachers should comprehend the communicative principl as follows:
a. Know what you are doing.
b. The whole is more than the sum of the parts.
c. The processes are as important as the forms.
d. To learn it, do it.
e. Mistakes are not always a mistake.
Morrow, K. 1983. “Principles of Communication Methodology”. In Johnson, K. And Morrow, K. Communication in the Classroom: Application and Methods for A Communicative Approach. Longman House, Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England: Longman Group Limited.

Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

Essay Literature

Literature is a body of written or oral works related by art. Actually Literature different with art. Art may consist of painting, dancing, singing and etc, while literature consist of fiction or non-fiction like poetry or novel. Literature consist of factual and imaginative information which inform and educated the reader. Example of factual information is journalistic or non-fiction and for imaginative information the example is fiction, poetry, or drama. We study literature because of its great value, such as education and entertainment. Literary Appreciation is the ability to understand and enjoy works of Literature. There are many ways to perform literary, recite poem, creat and tell short stories, performing drama, etc. One of the way to appreciate literary work is study the structure and the language. the language here means word meaning. Beside that, We can appreciate the literary work from the the the background and the author.
There are three main genres of literature. The first literature is poetry or poem, William Wordswort defines “poetry as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in the moment of tranquility”. The definitions means that poetry is natural, imaginative and emotional expression. A poem is usually written in stanza and arranged in lines. The elements of poetry is rythm, ryme, figurative language, diction, amd symbols. A person who writes poems or we called poet have some purposes while they creat a poem, for example to tell a story, to humorous, to describe (a person, place, or thing), to persuade and the main purpose is to express their feeling.
The second literature is drama. It is defined as a work of art acted on the stage in front of audience. Aristotle also defines drama as “imitated human action”. This definition means that what is acted on stage as drama, copies actual life situations. There are types of drama, like comedy. It is a kind of drama which amuses and ends happily. And then tragedy, it is a form of drama which end is usually sad. For example Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare. The last is tragic-comedy, This is a drama which have both qualities of a tragedy or comedy. While the elements of drama is dialogue, audience or group of people watching a performance of a play on stage ,stage, act fom the player, and scenes.
The third genre is prose. Prose is written languge of someone. Prose is different with poem. In the prose there is no line and stanza. The message of the prose is often conveyed without acting. The kinds of prose is fiction, non-fiction, autobiography and biography. Fiction is imaginary story, as for non-fiction is true life story, and autobiography is fictional prose written by somebody about himself. Autobiography almost similar with biography, but biography is written by another person.
Literature not only has a sense to entertaint an provide pleasure, but also has advantages. For example is we can learn about life from the literary works, it also make our soul is more sharp because literary works consist of various story that performed in written or oral text. By reading the literary works we can know how long the language is used, so we can enrich our vocabularies and understanding the difficult word. Reading literary works also make us more imaginative and creative.
From the explanation above about literature, we can conclude that literature is written or oral work may consist of text based on factual and imaginative information. There are three kinds of literature, they are poetry, drama, prose and each genres has the elements. Study about literary works will be give new knowledge to the reader or audience. Actually there are many advantages of literature that we can get by reading literary works. Not only by reading, but also by watching, like watching drama which performed on the stage. If we learn about literature and how to appreciate literary work, we can be  more imaginative person.
