Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

Essay Literature

Literature is a body of written or oral works related by art. Actually Literature different with art. Art may consist of painting, dancing, singing and etc, while literature consist of fiction or non-fiction like poetry or novel. Literature consist of factual and imaginative information which inform and educated the reader. Example of factual information is journalistic or non-fiction and for imaginative information the example is fiction, poetry, or drama. We study literature because of its great value, such as education and entertainment. Literary Appreciation is the ability to understand and enjoy works of Literature. There are many ways to perform literary, recite poem, creat and tell short stories, performing drama, etc. One of the way to appreciate literary work is study the structure and the language. the language here means word meaning. Beside that, We can appreciate the literary work from the the the background and the author.
There are three main genres of literature. The first literature is poetry or poem, William Wordswort defines “poetry as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in the moment of tranquility”. The definitions means that poetry is natural, imaginative and emotional expression. A poem is usually written in stanza and arranged in lines. The elements of poetry is rythm, ryme, figurative language, diction, amd symbols. A person who writes poems or we called poet have some purposes while they creat a poem, for example to tell a story, to humorous, to describe (a person, place, or thing), to persuade and the main purpose is to express their feeling.
The second literature is drama. It is defined as a work of art acted on the stage in front of audience. Aristotle also defines drama as “imitated human action”. This definition means that what is acted on stage as drama, copies actual life situations. There are types of drama, like comedy. It is a kind of drama which amuses and ends happily. And then tragedy, it is a form of drama which end is usually sad. For example Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare. The last is tragic-comedy, This is a drama which have both qualities of a tragedy or comedy. While the elements of drama is dialogue, audience or group of people watching a performance of a play on stage ,stage, act fom the player, and scenes.
The third genre is prose. Prose is written languge of someone. Prose is different with poem. In the prose there is no line and stanza. The message of the prose is often conveyed without acting. The kinds of prose is fiction, non-fiction, autobiography and biography. Fiction is imaginary story, as for non-fiction is true life story, and autobiography is fictional prose written by somebody about himself. Autobiography almost similar with biography, but biography is written by another person.
Literature not only has a sense to entertaint an provide pleasure, but also has advantages. For example is we can learn about life from the literary works, it also make our soul is more sharp because literary works consist of various story that performed in written or oral text. By reading the literary works we can know how long the language is used, so we can enrich our vocabularies and understanding the difficult word. Reading literary works also make us more imaginative and creative.
From the explanation above about literature, we can conclude that literature is written or oral work may consist of text based on factual and imaginative information. There are three kinds of literature, they are poetry, drama, prose and each genres has the elements. Study about literary works will be give new knowledge to the reader or audience. Actually there are many advantages of literature that we can get by reading literary works. Not only by reading, but also by watching, like watching drama which performed on the stage. If we learn about literature and how to appreciate literary work, we can be  more imaginative person.


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